Joy, Peace, Love, Happiness

Soooo . . . I have an eye-opener every day anymore it seems. I pledged to my self to keep the joy in my heart through Patches of Light no matter how negative anyone is, how much need, etc. So, today I get this lovely voice message saying they have our info and would like to help. I have to keep my phone on silent right now due to an error that went out across the US through Medicare, Medicaid, doctor's offices, etc., that we help anyone with a disability, illness, etc. It has been overwhelming, and heartbreaking, to have people calling day and night for help and I have to clarify we only help families with sick children.

So, I call back and as he is talking to me I ask him nicely if it is a loan. He immediately gets nasty and when I tell him we are donation based only, loan fees would take away from the already limited funding we have, he says, "Well, we are not a company that gives away FREE MONEY!" Then he says, "Good luck to you and that nonprofit."

At first I was shocked, but sadly realized this is probably not something new. I sat, prayed, and jumped back into, "Today I will feel joy!" mode.

Thank you so much to all of you who do, "Give away FREE MONEY!" I know and appreciate that it is not free money and often times the struggle is real in your own lives, but you still give to others in need. Thank you for reminding where the joy comes from and know, truly know, that the families referred to us who are also in need are thankful and have a chance to find a patch of light and a moment of joy thanks to you! Have a beautiful day!

