“Our hearts grow tender…”

“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.” –Laura Ingalls Wilder

Thank you to all who have given from their hearts to give a child, and their family, a moment to enjoy being a child. No needle sticks, xrays, yucky medicine to swallow (No, a spoon full of sugar does not make the medicine go down, although I did love when they put it on a sugar cube when I was little), seeing family gathered around with a smile on their face for just that moment can not be replaced in our memory and it is in part thanks to all of you who have given.

Thank you Urban Market, Hilliard Davidson Baseball, Jill, Terri, Susan, Sherri, Steve, Phil, Julia, and soooo many more who have jumped in to bring a Patch of Light to an often dark time for families. I want to shout out all of the names of our amazing supporters but some prefer anonymity and I have a brain that remembers most things in the middle of the night! So, although I may not name you all, you are all loved and deeply appreciated!


Celebrate by Giving


Prayers for Daisy